For Linhas Direitas, Lda., the confidentiality and integrity of the personal data of its associates, partners or private customers is something very important. Data will always be used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
This Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Data aims to inform you how your personal data is used, how it can be updated, managed or deleted, as well as the ways to contact those responsible for its processing.
ANFAJE’s website address is:
The data collected is treated and processed under the terms approved by the Portuguese Data Protection Authority (CNPD). ExtraBox requires the owner of the personal data to freely and explicitly consent to the processing of these data in order to receive the newsletter, and to receive requested information.
The personal data entered into the Contact Form on the Website, in particular your name and e-mail address, will be stored by ExtraBox for future sending of information, the newsletter and current promotional campaigns. The e-mail address will also be retained by ExtraBox for future mailing of relevant communications.
Despite the risks involved in the circulation of data, such as unauthorised access, misappropriation, misuse, loss and alteration, ExtraBox has internal measures in place to circumvent such risks, without prejudice to the fallibility of Internet security measures or other tools.
The following data protection measures stand out:
– Storage in a protected server, used and accessed exclusively in accordance with the security policies and standards defined internally;
– Data encryption and security of the applications that process them;
– Restricted and limited access to personal data, according to the needs arising from ExtraBox’s activity;
– Authentication tools in the software used.
Personal data shall be kept only for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or, at the request of the respective holder, after which time it shall be deleted.
In cases where there is a legal requirement concerning the period of data retention, the right to erasure can only be exercised after this period has elapsed.
The data subject may ask ExtraBox for access, rectification or erasure of their data, as well as limitation or portability to other entities.
This request should be sent to the e-mail address: However, ExtraBox reserves the right not to execute the request, informing the holder of the personal data of the respective reasons.
The holder of personal data has the right to lodge a complaint or exposure, with the Control Authority in Portugal, the National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD).
In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and after prior consent of the holders of personal data, ExtraBox may transmit them to third parties, in accordance with the definition in number 10 of Article 4 of the RGPD, in compliance with legal, regulatory, pre-contractual or contractual duties, namely the authorities of a public nature responsible for control and audit attributions and/or to partners of activities, projects or services.
ExtraBox uses Google Analytics in order to monitor and collect statistical information regarding the overall use of the ExtraBox Website, including demographic and geographic information, information regarding the type of browser and operating systems used, behavior on the Website, dates and times of access to the Website.
The data used for this purpose does not contain personally identifiable information or private information AND any personal data that could identify you individually in relation to your use of the Website is not stored.
ExtraBox is responsible for gathering, processing, storage and/or delete personal data of its associates, partners or private customers.
Any questions regarding the use of your personal data should be submitted to the e-mail address or by letter addressed to Linhas Direitas, Lda. For the following address: Rua da Canoeira, 158 / 2440-234, Golpilheira.
In the fulfilment of its responsibilities, and according to the terms and deadlines provided in Article 33 of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), ExtraBox shall notify the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD), whenever it becomes aware of any personal data breach event, as defined in number 12 of Article 4 of the RGPD.
ExtraBox is committed to:
– To process data lawfully and fairly, gathering only the information that is relevant and necessary for the purpose for which it is intended;
– Not to use the data collected for purposes incompatible with those of collection;
– Ensure, where required, that the data subject’s express consent is obtained;
– Allowing the data subject access to and amendment of personal information;
– Upon request by the data subject, to ensure free of charge the right to erase the data used;
– Respect professional secrecy with regard to the information handled;
– Keeping the data accurate and, where necessary, updating it;
– Ensure security systems that prevent consultation, modification, destruction or addition of the data by unauthorized persons;
– Do not sell, loan or otherwise commercialize personal information collected online or offline;
– Not share personal data with other persons/entities, except as provided in clause 4 “Transmission of personal data to third parties”, unless requested, by the holder of the personal data, not to share such data.
This document is available in an accessible area of the ExtraBox Website. ExtraBox can, without prior notice, change this Policy due to the need to adapt it to any legislative changes or to the recommendations of the CNPD.